The Illinois in Vienna Programs offer you the opportunity to gain considerable fluency in German, a language of a rich and complex culture that provides access not only to one of the great literatures of Western civilization but also to the world of international business, science, politics, and the arts.
Watch this video All about Vienna to meet the teachers and hear about the course offerings in Vienna.
Participants who successfully complete Program core courses taught by IiVP staff may receive GLL credit as follows:
- German Conversation and Composition (GER 211 or GER 212 or GER 401)
- Modern Austrian/German literature (GER 331 or GER 332)
- Spring: European Integration (GER 385 or PS 385)/Fall: History of Austrian/German culture (GER 401 or GER 420)
They also regularly receive GLL credit for the following courses with their coursework outside the Program core in the German language (also business and technical German), German literature and culture:
GER 205 Germany and Europe
GER 320 German for Business
GER 321 German for Economics
GER 405 History of Translation
GER 465 Ling Structures of German
GER 470 Middle Ages to Baroque
GER 471 Enlightenment to Romanticism
GER 472 Realism to Expressionism
GER 473 1920s to Today
Credit transfer options for other GLL courses also exist on a case by case basis.
Participants also enroll in a wide variety of courses at the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna University of Technology, and at other Viennese universities. These include courses in many disciplines for which they may receive Illinois credit, also for specific Illinois courses, including General Education courses. The language of instruction usually is German. The number of courses offered with English as the language of instruction is increasing rapidly.
The Illinois in Vienna Programs permit a course load of 34 credit hours per year (maximum of 18 per semester). Many participants complete 15 credit hours per semester. Participants must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to maintain full-time status.
You may wish to consult the following resources for more information about curricular offerings:
IiVP partner universities and course catalogues:
Course catalogues are published in September/January.
- The Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU, University of Economics and Business) course catalogue/Vorlesungsverzeichnis.Please consult the WU International Office website for information on courses offered in English.
- The Universität Wien (UW, University of Vienna) course catalogue/Vorlesungsverzeichnis. When searching for courses offered in English with key words, please add "lang:en" to the keyword you enter in the search field.
- The Technische Universität (TU, Vienna University of Technology) Wien offers a course search system. Use "extended search" to access information on courses offered in various languages of instruction.
- The Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) offers a course search system. Select “Courses” in the pull-down search menu. Use "Language of instruction" to access information on courses offered in various languages of instruction.
Grade Scale
For Core Program courses taught in German by the Resident Director and Administrative Assistant is that for courses on campus in Illinois.
For courses at Vienna universities in which the language of instruction is German:
For other courses completed at Vienna universities:
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